We have two of the most popular credit cards for bad credit / poor credit for you. If you are looking for any reliable opinions and suggestions based on actual credit card owner experiences, you have come to the right place. We have a review of the first Digital Next-Gen MasterCard credit card and the First Progress Platinum MasterCard as well. This review should be able to give you enough information as to what financial instrument is going to suit your needs and how it will be useful in taking you out of your money problems.
Review Of The First Digital NextGen MasterCard Credit Card
Easy And Fast Application Process
This credit card is very quick and easy to apply for. The entire online process is going to take a few minutes and the application will be complete. The approval takes 60 seconds or a little more than that and you are done. The credit card company is not going to rely heavily on your existing credit scores. This makes it even easier to apply for.

Upgradeable Credit Limit For You
This is really a big blessing that comes with this credit card. If your application is approved, you will get an initial credit limit of $300 but the start up fee will be subtracted from it. However, if you have been using this card for a while, you can apply for an upgrade on your credit limit. The credit card company is going to evaluate your card usage and behavior with your finances and an upgrade will be issued within no time.
You get all the benefits of the MasterCard brand
Relatively easier to apply for in order to build credit from scratch
You don't have to transfer or carry a balance
Now Let Us Have A Look At The First Progress Platinum MasterCard Reviews And Opinions
You Will Need A Qualifying Bank Account
This is probably the biggest downside to this credit card because not everybody wants to open a bank account to qualify for a credit card for poor / bad credit. It just feels like a complicated process. However, if you want to own this credit card, you will have to have a qualified Synovus Bank account to be approved for it.
The Annual Fee Is Going To Eat Up A Lot Of Your Credit
This is a major disadvantage attached to this credit card. The annual fee is going to be a minimum of $29. This means that your initial credit limit is going to be a maximum of $171. All in all, a balance of either $29, $39 of $49 is going to be due on your first statement. This is the typical range of the annual fee that you will have to pay with this credit card. This leaves your credit limit at an amount of $171, $161 or $151 for the first month to be precise. Picking the right secured credit card for bad credit or no credit is going to be a little tricky. There are several features that go with your financial goals and many of them that do not. Make this decision with open eyes and an alert mind, always.